What kind of deadly snake are you?

Snakes are fascinating, but they can also be deadly! Over 7,000 people a year are bitten by snakes. If were one of our slithering reptilian friends, which kind would you be?

  • Which snake scares you the most?
    • Diamondback snake.

    • Black mamba.

    • Water moccasin.

    • Any of them!

  • What do you think is the most interesting thing about snakes?
    • I like how they move.

    • I think it's cool that some of them have live births.

    • It's cool that some of them have a sense of family.

    • I think snake sex is fascinating.

  • Do you fear snakes?
    • I am terrified of them.

    • I like the nonvenomous ones.

    • I'm not really afraid of them.

    • I have enough respect for them to be fearful.

  • Which color scales would you like if you were a snake?
    • Black.

    • Brown.

    • Orange.

    • Gold.

  • What tattoo are you most likely to get?
    • Smurf.

    • Family Crest.

    • Skull and Crossbones.

    • Skull and Crossbones.

  • How do you think your friends think of you?
    • They think I'm a social chameleon.

    • They think I'm sweet.

    • They think I'm sweet.

    • They think I'm sweet.

  • Have you ever had a snake?
    • No, I would not.

    • I might foster a nonvenomous one.

    • I think snakes should be left in the wild.

    • I'm not sure.

  • Besides snakes, what reptiles do you like?
    • Turtle.

    • Alligator.

    • Skink.

    • Gecko.

  • Would you like to camp?
    • I'm okay with camping.

    • It's okay, but I prefer hotels.

    • I love camping.

    • I'm not much for camping.

  • What is your favorite snake symbol?
    • I like the snake as a symbol for transformation.

    • I like the snake as a symbol of healing.

    • I like the snake as a symbol of fertility.

    • I ike the snake as a symbol of rebirth.

10 questions remaining