What kind of famous cyber animal are you?

If you were to wake up tomorrow with whiskers and a viral internet video, which famous internet animal would you be? Are you funny like a honey badger or cuddly like a cat?

  • Which nation would you like to visit the most?
    • South Africa.

    • England.

    • Canada.

    • China.

  • What is your preferred family pet?
    • Fish.

    • Hamster.

    • Cat.

    • Dog.

  • Which wild animal would you most like to observe?
    • Cheetah.

    • Prairie dog.

    • Aardvark.

    • Grizzly bear.

  • What do you think is the most funny animal?
    • Monkey.

    • Skunk.

    • Vulture.

    • Dolphin.

  • What would you do if you worked at a zoo?
    • I would be an entertainer.

    • I would be an animal trainer.

    • I would be a marine biologist.

    • I would work in the ticket booth.

  • Which animal in the circus is the most interesting to you?
    • Lion.

    • Elephant.

    • Dog.

    • Bear.

  • Which of the following TV shows is most like your life?
    • "Modern Family."

    • "The Walking Dead."

    • "The Wonder Years."

    • "Friends."

  • What would you do on set while a web video was being made?
    • I would be the caterer.

    • I would be the star, darling.

    • I would be the director.

    • I would be the camera person.

  • What do you think is your favorite animal habitat?
    • I would like to be an indoor pet.

    • I would like the forest.

    • I would prefer the desert.

    • I would like the jungle.

  • Which breed of dog do you think is the smartest?
    • I think shelter dogs are the most intelligent.

    • German Shepherd.

    • Labrador.

    • Pug.

10 questions remaining