What kind of feline are you, exactly?

A lot of people that are not in the know think that all cats are the same, and never even think about how there are differences in breeds. We are telling you right meow that nothing could be further from the truth. Depending on the breed of cat there are all sorts of different looks, personalities, and vibes. Take this quiz to unleash your inner feline.

  • How do you relax when you come home after a long day of work?
    • Visit Facebook to see what your famous pals are up to.

    • Kick off your shoes and watch Netflix.

    • Text your friends to see if they want to go out to dinner.

    • Chowing down on some snacks.

  • Pick your favorite kind of fish!
    • Tuna.

    • I prefer chicken...

    • Salmon.

    • What if I don't like fish?

  • Which of these options best describes who you are?
    • Relaxed and laid-back.

    • Kind, caring, and sweet.

    • Sarcastic and gloomy.

    • Fiery and aggressive.

  • Which language would you choose to master if you could only learn one?
    • Russian.

    • French.

    • Chinese or Japanese.

    • Spanish.

    • German.

  • Do you like hugs?
    • I am all about the hugs!

    • No, no hugs I need my space!!

    • I guess it's fine if someone else tries to give me a hug.

    • With the exception of close relatives, I aim to avoid physical contact.

  • You're up late, what are you complaining about?
    • Why did nobody wake me?!

    • I missed my meeting!

    • Did I really forget to set the alarm clock?

    • So, no shower again today ......

  • How do you find joy in life?
    • Doing my hobby.

    • Hanging with friends and family.

    • Learning something new.

    • Quality time to myself.

  • What fits your physical appearance?
    • All fluffy goodness!

    • Thin and small.

    • Thin but tall.

    • Average.

  • What color eyes do you have?
    • Blue.

    • Brown.

    • Hazel.

    • Green.

  • A stranger gives you a ticket to a show and you...
    • Don't take them, Stranger Danger!

    • Drop whatever your doing and go!

    • Depends how good the seats are...

    • Ask them if they have another one for your BFF.

10 questions remaining