What kind of food am I?

Ever wonder what kind of food you are? Take this delicious quiz to find out!

  • Where do you hope to spend your summer vacation this year?
    • Spain

    • A beach in Asia

    • The Isle of Wight

    • To a remote village in the Amazon rainforest

  • Choose a filling for a sandwich:
    • Hummus

    • Pickled tofu

    • Ham and cheese

    • Peanut butter

  • Do you like mixing flavours?
    • No, never. Sweet and savoury things shouldn't mix.

    • Mix everything with everything, all the time

    • I tried pineapple on a pizza once and it was a bit weird. Still ate it though.

    • Anything is OK if it looks nice on the plate

  • How spicy do you prefer your cuisine to be?
    • Not at all

    • A little bit

    • I'll try it, but I probably won't like it

    • So hot it destroys the inside of my mouth and makes my ears fall off

  • Select something to watch:
    • A comedy

    • An action film

    • A romantic movie

    • Some experimental silent theatre from the 1950s

  • Fill in the blank: "The most important meal of the day is_____ ."
    • A giant slab of marzipan

    • Whatever you fancy

    • Breakfast

    • Lunch

  • Do you like to eat seafood?
    • Nope, don't like any of it

    • I like prawn cocktail crisps, does that count?

    • Yes, but only the fish you get in fish and chips

    • My favourite meal is octopus stuffed with mussels wrapped in fish

  • What would you pack in your picnic basket?
    • Pork pies and scotch eggs

    • Sandwiches

    • Little dainty cakes

    • Half a roast ostrich

  • What types of food do you dislike?
    • Stinky things like cheese

    • Sloppy stuff like custard

    • Anything that looks boring

    • Anything that looks weird

  • You are almost done baking a cake for your mother's birthday. What do you add on the top to complete it?
    • Sprinkles

    • Some very expensive sugared mushrooms that you imported from Romania

    • Dried fruit in a nice pattern

    • Some icing that reads "Happy Birthday Mum!"

10 questions remaining