What kind of pizza am I?

Are you a pepperoni pizza or more of a veggie special? Find out now by taking the tastiest of quizzes!

  • Do you like eating meat?
    • I'm not fussed either way

    • Not for me, thank you

    • Occasionally

    • Love it!

  • Are you a cheese lover?
    • I eat it by the truck load

    • A little bit of cheese is always a good thing

    • I like cheese, but don't have posters of it on my wall

    • Sure!

  • What are your views on pineapple on pizza?
    • Nope!

    • No thanks!

    • Can't beat it

    • If I'm in a pineapple mood

  • Do you enjoy spicy foods?
    • I'm not a chilli pepper person

    • I don't care for it

    • I carry my own bottle of hot sauce everywhere

    • Yes, but need lots of water at hand

  • How much pizza can you eat in one sitting?
    • If I'm at a pizza buffet, I'll keep piling food on my plate until I can't move.

    • A half-pizza?

    • I could win a medal if I eat a small breakfast.

    • Exactly 6 slices, no matter how big the pizza is

  • Where do you actually eat pizza?
    • On the beach

    • In the kitchen

    • In the restaurant with my family

    • In the living room watching the telly

  • Do you like dripping grease on your pizza?
    • It puts me off, actually

    • A little bit, but I don't like my pizza swimming in the stuff

    • I can't think of anything better

    • Oh yeah!

  • Do you eat with your hands or with cutlery?
    • One fork, one hand

    • Hands

    • Cutlery

    • It is dependent on where I am.

  • Is it better to eat it straight from the box or on a plate?
    • Is it greasy?

    • I like to fold the whole pizza and eat it like a gigantic cheesy sandwich

    • Plate

    • Box

  • How about a cold slice of pizza for breakfast?
    • I'm not that keen

    • Who leaves pizza?

    • I prefer cereal in the morning

    • No thanks!

10 questions remaining