What kind of shark attack will you be the victim of?

Just remember these basic safety precautions and you won't end up as a shark's food. Don't go swimming where sharks are a danger, first and foremost. But every year, millions of people (including you, perhaps) disobey these and other rules meant to keep them safe from sharks. Okay, so how exactly is a shark going to kill you? What do you think? Find out by taking this quiz.

  • How knowledgeable are you about sharks?
    • Not a whole lot.

    • I am a marine biologist who studies sharks.

    • I enjoy Googling "shark attacks" on YouTube.

    • I watch "Shark Week" every year.

  • How many days of "Shark Week" do you watch?
    • I never watch it.

    • One or two days.

    • Three to five days.

    • Every day.

  • How clear is the water where you go swimming?
    • It has a lot of seaweed.

    • It's clear.

    • It's rough and sandy.

    • It's green and murky.

  • Which coast do you wish you could hang out on the most?
    • Near the Mediterranean Sea.

    • Near the Australian Coast.

    • Near the Caribbean Sea.

    • On the So-Cal Pacific Ocean coast.

  • How often are you near water?
    • Less than one.

    • One or two.

    • One or two.

    • Six or seven.

  • Do you swim alone or in a group?
    • Alone.

    • It depends on my mood.

    • With at least one friend.

    • I usually go to the beach with a bunch of people.

  • Are you an excellent swimmer?
    • No, I'm afraid of water.

    • I am a great doggy paddler.

    • I have numerous Olympic medals for swimming.

    • I do okay.

  • A neighboring acquaintance was just bitten by a shark. What do you do?
    • Not sure, but it will probably not be the best thing to do.

    • Scream and cry.

    • Take off toward shore. My friend's blood is calling more sharks.

    • Swim to pull my friend out of the water.

  • Have you ever witnessed a shark in close proximity?
    • From the shore.

    • I've seen one while I was in a shark cage.

    • I've seen one while I was in a shark cage.

    • Nope! Thank you very much.

  • What is your method for repelling a shark?
    • Make myself look big.

    • Punch it in the snout and hopefully miss its mouth.

    • Fight as hard as I can.

    • Keep the shark in sight and back away.

10 questions remaining