Which animal best represents your inner self?

It's the animal species whose Platonic ideal would be most likely to choose the way you do in any given situation. So let's find out which of the many souls in the animal kingdom has managed to sneak just a little of itself into your body!

  • Which finger do you use most?
    • Index.

    • Ring.

    • Thumb.

    • Middle.

    • Pinky.

  • When do you find that you have the most energy to do things?
    • Day.

    • Day.

  • Who are you?
    • The warrior.

    • The listener.

    • The warrior.

    • The warrior.

  • When your partner admits to cheating on you. They say they're sorry and vow to stop doing it. So, how do you spend your time?
    • Take a break and think things over.

    • Do your best to keep your cool and get things done.

    • Kick their behinds to the curb, and then you may think about exacting some sort of revenge on them.

    • Pay heed to your instincts, and then proceed from there.

  • Who do you go to for help when you're struggling with something?
    • Myself.

    • Friends.

    • My family.

    • Searching information on the internet or reading material.

  • When you are insulted, how do you react?
    • Rapidly retaliate with your own reaction!

    • Retreat and then plot revenge.

    • Shrug your shoulders or laugh it off.

    • Stand up for yourself calmly and firmly.

  • Pick one of the many social media platforms available today.
    • Instagram.

    • Pinterest.

    • Pinterest.

    • Facebook.

  • What is more valuable to you?
    • A lot of money.

    • True love.

    • To be famous.

    • Knowledge about how things work.

  • When is lying acceptable?
    • Anytime, so long no one finds out.

    • Only white lies .

    • It's never okay to lie.

    • In most cases, it never does, unless it might save someone's life.

  • Do you trust your heart or your head?
    • Heart.

    • Head.

    • Both

10 questions remaining