Which Animal Did You Previously Be?

Past lives are interesting! It's fun to examine where or what our souls may have been before we operated on this level of consciousness. Channel your inner animal, and find out which beast you may have been in a former life!

  • Which animal is the funniest, in your opinion?
    • Weasel.

    • Honey badger.

    • Monkey.

    • Dog.

  • Have you got a good memory?
    • I'm forgetful sometimes.

    • I have the memory of a gnat.

    • I think it's an average memory.

    • Others wish I could forget things.

  • Which emotion do you feel most at ease displaying?
    • Fear.

    • Fear.

    • Excitement.

    • Love.

  • Which section of a zoo would you first explore?
    • I don't like zoos.

    • Reptile house.

    • The bird sanctuary.

    • Petting zoo.

  • What term best describes your inner child?
    • Aging.

    • Squirrelly.

    • Chipper.

    • Curious.

  • Which farm animal is your favorite?
    • Chicken.

    • Duck.

    • Cow.

    • Horse.

  • What occupation do you believe you may have held in a prior life?
    • Farmer.

    • Pastor.

    • Salesperson.

    • Animal trainer.

  • How many animals do you own?
    • Does my boyfriend count?

    • Zero.

    • One.

    • Two or more.

  • Which continent are you most interested in visiting?
    • Africa.

    • Europe.

    • Asia.

    • Australia.

  • What is the most common feeling you have after a day of work?
    • Tired.

    • Relieved.

    • Confused.

    • Relaxed.

10 questions remaining