Which cat would be the perfect partner for you?

Intelligent, mysterious, fluffy, and sly - cats are one of our favorite creatures! Let's find out exactly which kind of cat would make the purrfect companion for you!

  • What brings you joy?
    • Learning something new.

    • Hanging with friends and family.

    • Quality time to myself.

    • Doing my hobby.

  • After a long day at work, how do you relax when you come home?
    • Hop onto Facebook and check up on friends and celebrities.

    • Kick off your shoes and watch Netflix.

    • Chowing down on some snacks.

    • Text your significant other and see if they want to head out for dinner.

  • Which of the following best characterizes your personality?
    • Sarcastic and moody.

    • Fiery and aggressive.

    • Relaxed and laid-back.

    • Kind, caring, and sweet.

  • Which language would you choose if you could be fluent in only one?
    • German.

    • French.

    • Spanish.

    • Russian.

  • What is your favorite social networking platform?
    • Twitter.

    • Instagram.

    • Pinterest.

    • Facebook.

  • What would be your ideal job?
    • Supermodel.

    • Scientist.

    • Getting paid without doing anything.

    • Athlete.

  • What is appropriate for your physical appearance?
    • Thin and small.

    • Thin but tall.

    • Average.

    • All fluffy goodness!

  • What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
    • Jeans and a nice t-shirt.

    • High quality and tailored.

    • I rarely get out of athletic gear.


  • When a stranger offers you a ticket to a show, you...
    • Drop whatever your doing and go!

    • Ask if they have another one for your BFF.

    • Don't take them, Stranger Danger!

    • Depends how good the seats are...

  • Do you ever go to the movies by yourself?
    • Why wouldn't I?

    • I would never go by myself!

    • You mean people actually do that?

    • I prefer to go with people but if it's something I really want to see I'll go.

10 questions remaining