Which Character from Disenchanted Are You Most Like?

Using the answers you provide, this magic movie quiz will determine which of the characters from Disney's Disenchanted  you most closely resemble.

  • Pick one of your favorite snacks from the following options.
    • NUTS

    • Bowl of soup

    • Sandwich

    • Slice of cake

  • Choose a Disney movie that's not "Disenchanted":
    • Hook

    • The Little Mermaid

    • Ratatouille

    • Maleficent

  • Where would you like to make your home if you had the choice?
    • A big city

    • A small town

    • The countryside

    • Anywhere as long as it's cozy

  • In your view, magic is...
    • Weird and annoying

    • Totally normal

    • Dangerous in the wrong hands

    • Very useful sometimes

  • What is it that your mom constantly scolds you for?
    • Eating too much

    • losing focus on what's going on

    • Being grumpy

    • Being rude

  • Is there a common item you wish you could transform into a talking magical version of?
    • A candlestick

    • A briefcase

    • A teapot

    • A book

  • Choose one of the following options that you want to do.
    • Putting on your tie PERFECTLY

    • Dancing around blossoms

    • Being really good at climbing trees

    • Being the coolest kid in town

  • What do you enjoy most about Disenchanted?
    • The romantic bits

    • The jokes

    • The songs

    • The magic

  • Choose a Disney villain you like!
    • Malvina, obviously!

    • Ursula

    • Gaston

    • Sid from Toy Story

9 questions remaining