Which Travel Destination Suits You Best?

If you're having trouble deciding where to go on vacation, or if you're just curious about where you'd feel most , this quiz is for you.

  • What did you enjoy learning the most in school?Gym Social studies Lunch All of them!
    • Lunch

    • Gym

    • Social studies

    • All of them!

  • What would you do on a Saturday if you had the day off?
    • A free Saturday? That would never happen!

    • Snuggling up with some hot chocolate and a good book

    • Playing ball in the backyard

    • Conversations with pals

  • Let me know what you enjoy most about the summer.
    • I'm not really into any outdoor sports.

    • Waterparks, minigolf, the sun, exploring

    • My perfect sun tan

    • All of the outside sports

  • Describe an outfit you'd wear to a dance.
    • A dress I took weeks picking

    • A short dress adorned with tropical flowers

    • No matter how much effort I put into my regular wardrobe, I just don't feel confident in short skirts or bare legs

    • Wearing a nice T-shirt with slacks

  • What characteristics do you value the most in a date?
    • In terms of how HOT they are

    • The individual's intelligence

    • How interesting this person is

    • The level of physical prowess

  • What colour suits you best?
    • Bright, warm colors

    • Light browns and whites

    • Any blue, black, and green

    • What do I care?

  • What genres of films do you typically enjoy watching?
    • Biography

    • Sports

    • Action or Adventure

    • Chick Flicks or Comedy

  • What kind of work do you most want to do?
    • Model

    • Something having to do with business.

    • Actor 

    • Athlete

  • What would you do with $200,000 if you won the lottery?
    • Global travel

    • Buy a luxury car

    • Buy a villa

    • Doing whatever I want to do!

  • What kind of superpower would you want to have if you had the chance?
    • Extra strength

    • Super Speed

    • Mind Reading

    • An awesome superhero outfit and super good looks

10 questions remaining