Wondering which martial art you should learn? Take this quiz!

By taking this extremely scientific quiz, you will be able to determine the martial arts style that best suits the time and effort you invest.

  • Which nation's culture do you find most fascinating?
    • China

    • Israel

    • Brazil

    • South Africa

  • Make the Spider-Man adage your martial arts motto: Tremendous Power Comes With...
    • With Great Power Comes Great Discipline

    • With Great Power Comes Amazing Dance Moves

    • With Great Power Comes Even More Great Power

    • With Great Power Comes Cool Weaponry

  • In what setting do you want to show your skills and abilities?
    • At a family celebration

    • In a shadowy alley

    • In a real war

    • Atop a mountain at a remote monastery

  • Can you describe your fighting style?
    • Clinical

    • Fluid

    • Frantic

    • Respectful

  • Which feline species do you like the most?
    • Wild cat

    • Lion

    • Tiger

    • Puma

  • What kind of food would you eat in between rounds of martial arts?
    • Biscuits

    • Cake

    • Sweets

    • Sandwich

  • Your adversary has been knocked out and is now lying on the ground. What do you do now?
    • Just wait until they rise to their feet.

    • Applaud their effort and be on the lookout for a spinning-windmill attack!

    • Greetings, loved ones!

    • Finish them

  • Among these, which do you think is the most deserving of your efforts?
    • Defence

    • Freedom

    • Honour

    • Equality

  • Is there a specific outfit you want to wear into the fight?
    • For some reason, orange has always been one of my favorite colors.

    • Camouflage

    • Regular attire

    • Wedding suit

  • Choose a lizard from the following.
    • Ghecko

    • Komodo Dragon

    • Chameleon

    • Monitor Lizard

10 questions remaining