Wondering which TV family best represents your own? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Who do you find to have the best rapport with?
    • My dad

    • My mom

    • My siblings

    • Another member of the same family

  • What kind of a family do you have?
    • Amazing

    • Crazy

    • Pretty good

    • Unfamiliar

  • In your free time, what do you like to do together?
    • Play games

    • Everything

    • Watch TV

    • Do our own thing quietly

  • Do you guys quarrel?
    • Some days per week

    • At random intervals

    • We rarely get into an argument with each other

    • All the time

  • What is the most difficult challenge you face as a whole?
    • Ineffective dialogue

    • Insufficient time spent together

    • Keeping things in order

    • Handling arguments

  • Is there anything you would do for your loved ones?
    • If they needed money, I could give them

    • Anything within the bounds of the law;

    • I'd give them a kidney if they needed it.

    • Everything

  • How do you talk to one another?
    • Message

    • A Call

    • Face-to-Face

    • Facetime

  • They probably believe you're...
    • Friendly

    • Sweet

    • Silly

    • Smart

  • In terms of music, what genres do you prefer?
    • Pop

    • Hip-hop

    • Country

    • Rock

  • Where would you take your family if you had the chance?
    • Las Vegas, Nevada

    • Orlando, USA

    • Havana, Cuba

    • Florence, Italy

10 questions remaining