Wondering who will be your date to the Yule Ball? Come take this quiz!

Are you ready? Let's go!

  • Have you read all the Harry Potter books?
    • About 4 books

    • About 5 books

    • Yes,I read them all

    • No, I haven't read it

  • In what way do you envision being asked out, or asked out other?
    • The traditional way

    • Put the invitations on the pizza

    • Invite by phone

    • Put the invitation in a vase full of flowers

  • If you were going to the ball, would you like to have a date?
    • Yes

    • Nope

    • It would be nice to hang out

    • I couldn't care less

  • Pick the ones that are most important to you on a date.
    • They need to be attractive

    • They need to be intelligent

    • Surely, they are humorous in some way

    • They must be an amazing dancer

  • Tell me about your personal fashion sense.
    • Traditional

    • Casual

    • Sexy

    • cozy

  • So, what are you going to wear?
    • It's too soon to tell

    • Jeans

    • A tux

    • A dress

  • How long do you need to get ready?
    • 1 hour

    • 1.5 hours

    • 2 hours

    • 0.5 minutes

  • Where will you share the photos you took during the ball?
    • Twitter

    • Instagram

    • Facebook

    • Tiktok

  • Find the most exciting theme.
    • Carnival

    • Masquerade Ball

    • Hollywood

    • Beauty and the Beast

  • What are you going to do after the party?
    • Finding a place to date

    • Dance

    • Sing

    • Chatting

10 questions remaining